Mission & Vision

Picture this: you're engrossed in a thrilling horror movie, but suddenly a romantic song starts playing in the background. Or while watching a heartwarming romantic film, you're surprised by a spine-chilling tune. It's a misfit that can ruin the whole experience, right?

Well, fear not! Taakdoom is here to the rescue, offering a unique communication with music that will captivate music enthusiasts like never before. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to connect with all those who adore music and consider it an inseparable part of their lives. We together want to form a music community. Taakddom is a communication with music. With Taakdoom, music becomes a bridge that brings hearts together, heals emotional wounds, and fosters a strong sense of community through collective singing. Remember the iconic song "Vande Mataram" that united an entire nation as a national anthem? That's the magic of music!

Through Taakdoom you can make your dream of having your own song a success. Takdoom will help you to reach out to people and make your own career as a lyrist.